Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Mindful Holiday

What would it look like to have a mindful holiday this year?

Well, I believe that it would not look like frenzied running around trying to attend every party, obsessing over buying the "perfect" gift for everyone on your list, killing yourself in an attempt to have your house picture perfect for those who are invited over, baking piles of holiday goodies & then calming your frazzled nerves by trying to eat everything that you've made & more!

What it might look like is:

the look of delight on your 3 year old's face when she first sees a lit Christmas tree.

the state of calm you feel when you have the time to stand in the midst of a gentle snowfall, taking in the stillness and lazy pattern of flakes drifting down around you

the warmth you feel in your heart when you look at your spouse and remember the many little ways he or she has been there for you through the years

the feeling of satisfaction you experience when you remember to notice when you are hungry and then enjoy whatever wonderful food you choose to eat and mindfully savor until your body is satisfied.

I wish all of these and many, many more delightful possibilities that you will notice if you slow down and pay attention to what is happening in the present moment.

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